It sounded like a hopeless situation that my coachee, a newly promoted head of department for finance and controlling, was complaining about: “I am working from early morning till late at night and my private life has totally shut down!” Our coaching was initiated to save her from a burnout. “My boss is putting a lot of pressure on me and my staff expects me to solve all their problems immediately”. Although she was a dedicated leader who constantly wanted to prove her competences, she realized, “I’m really at my limit, what can I do?”
Already in her early childhood my client was active as a competitive gymnast in addition to her school duties. Her remaining time was filled with regular piano lessons and studying. Both her sports teacher and her piano teacher were her role models who taught her perfection and discipline. In her parents’ house, the family motto was: “What you can do today, don’t put off till tomorrow”. She also described all her bosses being workaholics.
Core Competencies
Perseverance, accuracy and a sense of duty characterized my coachee’s personality. Everyone was always impressed by her professional competence.
Internal Analysis
Now, having arrived at the new rung of the career ladder, she felt increasingly stressed. The many additional meetings, “trouble shootings” and all her operational tasks were tugging at her nerves. Her health was already suffering.